
This afternoon I went with some friends and family to harvest sweet potatoes at Harvest Hill Farm, Mike and Laurie Davis’s farm in Willsboro.   On the way we were waylaid by the sight of late season raspberries that we could not resist.  Seeing them at this time of year, and seeing my almost-5-year-old friend Arden eating them with such joy, made me wonder why they are not planted in every school yard in the North Country.  Eating raspberries right off the cane can make a farmer (or a fresh food, farmers’ market consumer) out of anyone.  There’s also the benefit of seeing berries as the fruit of a plant, not an expensive commodity paid for with money at the grocery store.  The juicy red sensation that melts over your tongue and colors your lips could not be a more affordable and healthy luxury for children who have access to fresh raspberries in October.

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